Soumyajeet Nayak

Soumyajeet Nayak

Connecting Go with SQL: A Beginner’s Guide

When building backend applications, databases are essential for storing and managing data. In this guide, we’ll explore how to interact with an SQL database using Go (Golang) and the database/sql package. By the end, you’ll understand how to connect to…

Understanding JavaScript Scopes: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding JavaScript Scopes: A Comprehensive Guide JavaScript is a powerful and flexible programming language that plays a crucial role in modern web development. One of the fundamental concepts that every JavaScript developer must master is “scope.” Scope determines the accessibility…

Normal Function vs Arrow Function

Function Syntax This Reference Here because of normal function, the method attached with the object picks up this as the person object. However, if there is another normal function then it will not pick up this as the person object but rather global object…